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Learn to Drive!
to The Area's Finest Driving Instruction
for both Teens and Adults
We will teach our students NOT only to pass their DMV Road Test,
we WILL teach them to survive.
Trust us to do all of the scary dangerous stuff,
We are based out of Valrico, Florida, and range from Sun City Center up to Mango, covering Ruskin, Apollo Beach, Riverview, FishHawk, Valrico, Brandon,
Western Plant City, Dover, Seffner
Now, there are two ways of learning to ride a fractious horse: one is to get on him and learn by actual practice how each motion and trick may be best met; the other is to sit on a fence and watch the beast a while and then retire to the house and at leisure figure out the best way of overcoming his jumps and kicks. The latter system is the safer, but the former, on the whole, turns out the larger proportion of good riders. It is very much the same thing in learning to ride a flying machine.
- Wilbur Wright, from an address to the Western Society of Engineers, Chicago,
18 September 1901 (The older of the two "Wright Bros.")
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